Co-Auth Modules & Release Status

Modules supported / planned under Co-Auth

Co-Auth is under active development and not production ready yet. As per high level milestone, the alpha release is planned for 31-Mar-2024. With TOTP, Reconfirm, SMS and Email OTP modules

Co-Auth Modules


Time Based OTP

Using a Time based OTP for verification using any authenticator apps


Re-type text to confirm action

QR Scan

Get access by Scanning QR

Access Codes

Enter verification code on mobile that are generated on web

Security Questions

Validate answers against a set of security questions

SMS / Email OTP

Moving your SMS OTPs to Co-Auth

Voice OTP

Receive OTP on voice

Whatsapp Verification

Verify access with link sent on WhatsApp


OTP stands for One Time Password. Short lived, Random and Time oriented.

Last updated